Good morning everyone. In my little neck of the woods, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and it's a balmy 44º outside. This put me in the mood for my first random thought of the day. Flowers!! After learning to make Natasja's paper flowers, I began to consider other ways to make flowers. Yesterday I came up with 5 different types. Some are inspired by other scrapbookers and some weren't, but I think they are all fun. So, let's start with this one and how it came to be.
I had just created some projects for Simply Handmade magazine over the weekend. Part of the leftover scraps were three large chipboard circles. (This is the chipboard that backs our packages of paper, but similar weight chipboard can be found on cereal or shoe boxes.) Anyway, I took one of these circles, punched out a smaller center circle, inked the chipboard with chalk ink and wrapped it with ribbon. So easy! You can use the cut out center as the center of the flower, or not.
Ok, random thought #2. I was trying to sleep last night and not having a lot of success. When I'm like this my mind wanders and thinks of all sorts of things. Last night it realized that I have double-booked the blog for Friday! That's right, in the middle of the night, totally sleep deprived, my brain functions as clear as a Franklin Planner. Yet, somehow in the daytime it is completely organizationally challenged and will likely forget an appointment made 20 minutes earlier!
So, I suggest that we postpone Natasja's first class segment until Monday so that our Seeing Green favorites can bask in the limelight (no pun intended) all by themselves. How does that sound to everyone? By the way, we've had some fabulous entries, so if you haven't gotten yours in, you better get busy!
And, my last random thought. Every Monday night, the Comstock household has Family Night. This means, no TV, no phone calls, no friends. It's just us and the kids. Last night our kids wanted us to tell them stories about when we were young....... they love this. So, I told them the story about my superman suit. My childhood was when Underroos, the Justice League and the Wonder Woman series were all popular. Well, during the super hero craze, I acquired a superman sweat suit and I totally believed that it gave me super powers. I was in the second grade and every time there was a test at school, I wore my sweat suit so that my brain would be at is most top notch. I also wore it for PE testing knowing I would have super strength! Well, one day, the screen door to our house was stuck. The pin that slid up to hold it open had become wedged and neither my 12 year old sister or 10 year old brother could get it to close. I told them that I knew just what to do. I ran to my room, changed to my superman suit and came back to fix the door. Here's the best part....... I did! So, I told my kids last night....... if you honestly believe something, it really can become true! Your brain is a powerful thing!!