Have you seen this commercial? It is so true!
Not only has motherhood messed with my hair (that's why I hardly have any anymore), but it's messed with other things too! One morning I was in a rush to make it to an OB appointment for my soon to be third baby. I was in the middle of putting on my make-up when I was interrupted by a child needing their behind wiped...... I know, glamorous, right! So, I went to take care of that, realized the other child was missing one shoe, found it, loaded them all in the car and headed out the door in a mad dash.
By the time I got to the doctor's I was feeling pretty good. My kids were dressed in clean clothes. Their hair was in place. Their faces were clean. I was sure that I must look pretty nice myself because lots of people were smiling at me. "It's that pregnancy glow" I thought
Well, after waiting for about an hour the doctor was ready to see me. As he measured my tummy he asked in a very nice, almost fatherly voice how I was doing. I said, "I'm fine, why?" He said that I seemed to be missing the mascara on one eye and my underwear was inside out.
We laughed hysterically over this. My eyelashes are nearly transparent, so one set being black and the other being blonde is quite the look!
Now for the winner: Congratulations Lisa in Texas who thought MTV was a brand of TV! Send your address to [email protected] and she'll get you your prize.