Okay- We made it home just hours ago and we are very tired. We had a great time seeing a lot of our friends at CHA Summer in Orlando. Our new lines "were off the charts!" The Boyfriend was the most popular, but not by very far.
We had a blast and had the chance to meet some of our fun store owners and also some of our blog followers.They were so nice!
Let's see. so while we were in Orlando:
I had my 25th wedding anniversary. No worries, my wife and I had decided to do something special for it in the Fall instead. Sometimes I get way busy traveling for work. off to Chicago on Monday.
Julie celebrates her 35th Birthday today. She is really getting old, dont you think? Happy Birthday Julie!
We got to visit Cocoa Beach. If you don't know what Cocoa Beach is famous for, check out the picture at the top of this page. You got it! This is where Tony Nelson found the Bottle with Jeannie in it. I love that Television series!
Speaking of Cocoa Beach. We decided to go there for a couple of hours the day before the show started. While Eric and Julie were strolling hand in hand along the beach. I was kind of just standing around soaking in the sun when there were a couple of guys in their 20's who had way too much to drink that were going around harrassing people on the beach. They were vulgar, obnoxoius, and flat our looking for trouble.
They came across a larger man in his early sixties and started harrassing him and his family. The older gentleman was very calm and asked the young men to leave very nicely. The two troublemakers started making threats against this guy and his family, when another gentleman, out of know where came and stood by the 65 year old man. The other guy was probably in his mid 50's. He was short and stocky. The two continued to try to encourage these losers to leave as did the lifeguards on the beach.
I was impressed with how controlled the older gentleman were. They probably had seen a lot in there life. There was no fear in them at all.
There was a huge crowd watching and after being threatend once again, the guy that came over to help the older guy said, If you think you want to try to mess with us bring it on. The young guys ran at the old guys and the old guys cleaned these punks clocks. They got them on the ground, in the sand and pummeled them. One of the young guys had his head split open and tried to run off.
The Police showed up and escorted the two young guys away. I have to tell you, the good guys won that day! It was exciting. Okay......I know............. you probably had to be there!
I wondered if that happens everyday at 2:00PM for the tourists? Hmmmmmm?
Have a great day! Also since it is Julie's Birthday, leave a comment and three lucky people will win either a Boy Friend , Jolly By Golly, or a Earth Love Paper Crafting Kit.
Have a great day!