I was on my way home yesterday and it broke my heart to see quite a long line outside the food bank. There was a young mom at the end of the line with a small toddler in her arms and a preschooler next to her. I still can't stop thinking about her and how hard her life must be. Can you imagine the stress and worry she must feel for those babies?
I know it's harder for the food banks to raise funds and donations in the "off season." So, today, we are asking you to post and tell us that you'll take a can or more of food, or a cash donation to your local food bank. We will donate one dollar for every commenter up to $1,000. We've never come close to reaching that number before, but if you all help us get the word out, I think we might do it. What do you say?
Then Friday, be sure to check our blog for our new Design Team. Monday, we'll have our video contest sneak peek winners..... I have left you one very obvious sneak peek clue in this entry! ;)
PS: I'm posting this late tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow so that we will have more time for commenters. No sense in having it wait around in my computer right!