You remember that guest blog entry that was suppose to be on Creating Keepsakes last Friday? Well, long story short, I won't be guest blogging over there for a week or two now. This means that my Thanksgiving centerpiece idea I video taped will no longer apply. So, I thought I would share it with you here.
I have to say, I am no Lindsay Moore. I am a bit less ADD and a bit more.... well...... Julie Comstock. I hope you still enjoy the clip, and I apologize for the echo-y sound...... I guess we need to invest in a better microphone or something. And, I plan on getting Eric to make title screens for all videos in the future. There is little less flattering than being caught in mid-word.... oh well!!!
Congratulations Jamie Sherman! You were the winner on the Blue Light Bride Contest. Send your address to [email protected] and she'll send you your prize. Then, check back here tomorrow to see what to do with that Everafter Paper Crafting kit. We are featuring a super cool snowflake project!