I was suppose to post this giveaway on Wednesday, but in between evaluations for Jack, moving warehouses and setting up the new building, the HSN announcement, finishing up our May release (I hope I don't get in trouble for saying that) and working on the new CHA summer stuff...... Well, let's just say that I woke up from one of my nightmares Wednesday night and realized that I totally spaced it!
My life right now reminds me of what it was like after I had my fourth baby. I went through a phase where I forgot everything...... keys, appointments, etc. One day at the pediatrician's office, I had forgotten the immunization card and so explained my plight to him.
He told me that our brains are like icebergs. Every thing we need to think about is like a penquin standing on the iceberg. He said sometimes the iceberg gets all filled up, but more penquins try to get on. As they jump on the iceberg, they push three or four penquins off on the other side. So, I am claiming too many penquins!!! Now I just have to figure out how to get a bigger iceberg!
Ok, onto the kit.
I love this one. Before I saw the kit, I saw this layout that was made using it. In fact, we posted it on our facebook fan page because we thought it was so fantastic.
This kit, Every Which Way, is brought to us by Up the Street Scrapbooking. I love the colors. They do such a good job putting together a fun assortment of products. They also have some fun add-ons that you may want to check out.
Tara wanted to do a giveaway on her blog, as well as ours. And I think that's a great idea. Leave a comment today through Monday morning, here on the blog, and we'll pick a random winner. Tara will pick a winner on her blog too.
While you're waiting to see if you won, check out these other projects made by their team. Update: I was just reading the Up The Street blog and they are looking for designers! I know how talented you all are, so thought I might mention that bit of info too.
Have a great weekend everyone!