I hope you all had a fabulous Valentines day. Lindsay called me last night and asked what we were having for dinner. I told him chicken salad.
He replied, "Is that your Valentine's dinner, or your regular Monday night dinner?"
I replied, "Should there be a difference?"
I have never really gotten the whole sappy thing. In fact, the first time Eric told me that he loved me..... after a very long pause, I said, "Thank you."
This was the man I was HOPING to marry and yet I replied, "Thank You!"
What's up with that?!?!?
And, it's not just romantic love I struggle with, it's all sorts of affection. If you have ever hugged me at an event, maybe you know what I'm talking about. I give the most awkward, stiff hugs you have ever seen because I am not comfortable hugging anyone I don't live with.
Now, don't worry that you may have offended me by leaning in for a hug. I realize I am the odd ball, not you lovely people. In fact, when Lindsay's daughter Kiley got married Lindsay tried to hug me. At first I resisted..... just leaving him there with his arms out. Then, Eric gave me a good push and Lindsay got the stiffest, most awkward hug of his life. We still laugh about it.
Maybe it's my DNA, or maybe it's the way I was brought up. My parents were very affectionate in my early childhood, but as I got older, the hugging eventually faded away. Now don't get me wrong, I always knew my parents loved me.... we just like our personal space!
My little sister, being the baby, got hugs into her teen years. They were so funny and unique that they have become known in our family as Hairball Hugs. Here's how you give one: The receiver of the hug will be seated, most likely reading the evening newspaper. The giver will be on her way to bed or out with friends and as she passes, the receiver will say, "aren't you going to hug me goodbye/ goodnight?" Then the giver will bend down, turning her head AWAY from the receiver and give a side hug so that just the shoulders touch. One arm of each person involved, and one arm only, will be wrapped around the other. If you have never been given a Hairball Hug, you may make the mistake of turning your head toward the giver, thus receiving a lot of hair in the face.... hence the name!
So, if you are like me... maybe cards are the answer! You can easily tell someone that you love them. If they don't know how to respond, there isn't an awkward silence because they can just pretend to be a slow reader. Or, even better, you can mail the card and then you don't have to be present at all!
Here's some great cards for letting those special people in your life know that that's just what they are!
By Debbie Olson

By Laura Craigie
By Wendy Sue Anderson