Have you ever pulled off a really great April Fool's Day trick? Have you ever fallen hard for one yourself?
Here are our tips for getting someone GOOD!
1. Get them early in the morning before their wheels are fully spinning. I am very susceptible to this tactic. As a teen, my older sister thought it was hilarious to come into my bedroom around six in the morning screaming something like fire, earthquake or even boogy man. No matter how many times she did it, I never failed to start running around like a crazy person exclaiming the harshest language allowed in my house, "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness."
2. If your victim would never fall for something from you, enlist a co-conspirator. Last year, my assistant Laura sent Eric the following email, "Myra Mains called, she sounded like she knew you, she said call back as soon as you can. Her number is 435.752.3245." The number was to a funeral home which Eric called asking to speak with Myra Mains.
3. Use visual aids because sometimes seeing is believing. When Eric and I were dating, I convinced him I got engaged to another guy. The kicker... a diamond engagement ring on my finger. This trick, a little on the cruel side, plays on our next tip.
4. Exploit emotional thinking. Eric fell for the above trick partly because when he is emotional, he doesn't think as clearly. Like I said, bordering on cruel. Hey, I was young and immature and have apologized a million times!!!
5. Plan a trick which doesn't require your presence. Typical ideas are changing the clock times, putting a honk at me sign on the back of a car, etc. If you don't have a poker face, extensive experience with deception or are prone to laughter, these are the safest tricks!
Instead of playing an April Fool's Day trick on you I am participating in Moda's April Tool's Day. Since I don't regularly blog on Sunday's I'm letting you all know today that this April Fools you may win my favorite tool for sewing.
I promise, I'm not joking....
Why don't you trust me?!?!?