Hello Friends!
Let's make our happy little rain cloud into a card and add a friendly sunshine to go with it. I started with the sunshine card.
Cut a background. I used the ohmbre stripe from the Summer Love Mini Deck. Next punch a 2" circle. (If you are unsure about your face painting skills, you may want to skip down to those steps before you sew your sun onto your background. Then if you mess up, you can just start over on a new circle.)
Use a glue stick to lightly adhere the circle to your background. I zig-zag stitched around the sun. Notice the machine settings with the width set to four and the stitch length set short. A short lenght makes going around the circle easier with the zig-zag. Try your best to keep you paper lining up with the center notch in your sewing foot. If you're not comfortable with sewing, try using glitter and glue like I did on the cloud.
Next, I drew some rays lightly with pencil. I switched out my machine settings to a straight stitch and long stitch length.
Now you need to cut out your cloud with a craft knife. Download this template:
Happy Rain Cloud Template | Julie Comstock
Next, use the cloud to help you position where you want your sunny face. I used the end of a crochet hook for the white dots of the eyes and a paintbrush for the blue dots. Just dab the end into the paint and press it to your paper. Don't worry if it isn't level at first, it will even out for the most part as it dries. Once dry, you can add the smile and eye details with a pen. I like Uniball (and no, I don't get any compensation for saying so) because they don't bleed as much as other pens I've tried.
Now adhere your cloud and string together your chipboard alphas. Since I used a wider seam binding, a needle made the job quick and easy, but usually I just thread the ribbon right through the holes.
Stick this unit to your base and you're ready to brighten someone's day!
For the Pouring Love card, we'll start by cutting out our cloud. Then edge it with glue and dip into gold glitter.
Use the cloud to position your punched hearts. Note how far you want your stitch line to run under the cloud. The benefit to using this paper background was that there is a line under the cloud, otherwise, you may want to draw a guide for yourself. Use a glue stick to hold your hearts in place as you sew... just a tiny bit of glue.
Leave your stitch settings the same as for the straight stitches on the sunshine card. Stitch through the hearts from your guide line to the end of the base.
Adhere this unit to a card base and you're done.
I hope you enjoy the template. Show us what you do with it on our facebook fanpage!