I've been burning the midnight oil getting ready for CHA. There's new products to test. Product photos to shoot. Trade show booths to layout. Make and Takes to plan. And, a catalog to design!
It's always very exciting and busy. I must apologize for not keeping up with the blog because of it all.
Today, I need some silk ribbons for one of the planned product shots. Since I was making them myself from torn silk, I thought I would post a tutorial for you all. Then, when the project can be shown, you'll all have a head start!
I'm using Rit Dye and making up my own directions!
Not needing much, I took a couple shot glasses, filled them part way with boiling water, part way with dye (I added both orange and pink to the orange glass) and added a splash of vinegar.
Then, I folded up my ribbon and scrunched one end of the bunch into each glass leaving part out of the dye.
After a few minutes, I switched my glasses around so that I could dip the exposed portion into the opposing glass.
I let that sit for a while and then topped off the glasses with a bit more boiling water. After a few minutes of this, I gently pulled up on the silk leaving the lower portion down in the dye.
It's looking so pretty!
I let that sit again before rinsing them in cool water. I removed the excess water by wrapping them up in an old towel and squeezing. Here they are, finishing up the drying process.
I think they will be stunning on my project. I can't wait to share it with you!