September 2, 1993 Julie met Eric in Logan, Utah to tie the knot. 19 years later, they are forgetting their own anniversary.
I guess that's the first sign you've been married too long. Here are 18 more!
18. You finish each other's sentences... or just pretend you did and quit listening early.
17. You know how the other takes his coffee, tops his burger and prefers his eggs.
16. You can recite the exact order and idiosyncracies of the other's bedtime routine.
15. You can't sleep without him in your bed. In fact, even if he is in bed, if he can't sleep you somehow know and can't sleep either.
14. You now look like each other... and he's even starting to look like other member's of your family.
13. You have finally won the battle of getting a family pet. I was an early achiever... it only took me 16 years!
12. You have lost the battle between cottage charm and mid-century modern. George Nelson lamp anyone?
11. You can admit that you never did like Elvis Costello and that mixed tape that he made you was sweet, but never played.
10. He can admit that he doesn't like board games... even if it's playing them with you.
9. You don't have to ask him if something makes you look fat because you can just see it on his face. You can still get mad at him for it though! (Yes, I realize logically it isn't his fault that something makes me look fat, but it is his fault for thinking it!)
8. He no longer freaks out at buying feminine products. He may even call from the store to ask if he should pick up any.
7. When he uses your tweezers to pluck his nose hairs you don't get grossed out.
6. He expects you to use his razor and has started shaving in the shower since that's where you leave it.
5. You tell him when he has something stuck in his teeth and if he can't get it out, you remove it for him without even a second thought.
4. When he hears your spider scream, he comes running with shoe in hand yelling, "Where is it?Where is it?"
3. Using the same tooth brush no longer grosses you out.
2. You can pee in front of each other. I can't even pee in public bathrooms easily, so that is really saying something!
1. When you fart in front of each other, unless it's really comment worthy, nobody even bothers to notice.
PS: Here is the sketch for the above layout. Enjoy if you'd like.